Tooletries Ad by Tooletries
Tooletries Ad by Tooletries

Tooletries Ad Joseph Shower Station is a whimsical work of art for their shower shaving mirror product. The ad features an overhead view of a sink. With the hot and cold controls and the faucet designed to look like eyes and a nose. Inside the sink, there is a collection of facial hair. Which, as it is arranged, makes the entire shot resemble a human face with a mustache. 

On each side of the sink are a razor and a shaving brush. Making it clear that the image is the result of a person shaving in the sink. In the lower right quadrant is the message “Keep the sink fuzz-free. Shave in the shower.” There is a picture of their Joseph Shower Station product next to the text. Making the entire message of the ad clear when the product is revealed. 

Tooletries Ad Strategy

This ad is one part humor and one part direct. The humor aspect of the ad draws in viewers with its whimsical nature. While the direct aspect clarifies precisely what product they should buy to solve their problem (taking care of facial hair inside the sink). This ad does a superior job of “selling” the product without outlining why the consumer should buy it. Which is what most ads of this type do. Instead of cutting directly to the product and showing how much better it is than other products on the market. Which the ad builds up to it with a whimsical story that gives people time to get used to the idea before they say, “I can use a product like that”. Allowing the reader to come up with the idea on their own makes them more likely to be interested in making an impulse buy. 

Emotion/Image Schemata 

The primary emotion that this ad is striving to create is a feeling of happiness and joy. People in ads usually lean towards creating anger or a sense of community. But rarely does anyone try to make people happy. That being said, the way they go about doing it is incredibly original. 

The ad uses the “personification of everyday objects” technique to make the faucet and sink appear like a human face. This is something that people have seen before, but the comedic effect makes their product seem friendly in this context. 

Tooletries Ad Target Audience

This ad is designed for men of all ages. Particularly those who shave regularly and have facial hair around the house. It could also be used by women who shave their legs, but the focus of this is clearly on men. However, as facial hair in the sink is a female complaint, the ad is clearly directed at women as well. 


This ad is incredibly effective and well-executed. It is fun, engaging, and unique without being out of place or offensive. It stands out among the sea of regular ads, making it easy to recognize. The company does an excellent job of promoting its product in a way that inspires viewers to want to buy it rather than cajoling them into it by outlining why they should buy it. 

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