
What is an ad copy? 5 tips for writing better digital ad copy

ad copy
ad copy

Ad copy persuades a consumer to buy a product. Compelling ad copies increase sales and profits by creating emotion, communicating value, and addressing doubt. In advertising or marketing, you need to understand how an ad copy can help businesses drive sales. This article defines ad copy and provides tips for creating ad copy.

What is an ad copy?

Ad copy is a kind of branded content that tries to convert a prospective lead into a customer for your business. Successful ad copy replaces a prospective buyer’s interaction with a salesperson by highlighting a product or service’s benefits and solving consumer issues. If the ad language is appealing, consumers can see how the product or service may help them.

What makes a good ad copy?


Your ad copy is the first indirect contact prospects have with you. By mastering this skill, you’ll be able to convince your readers, encourage them to do the desired action, and bring them into the marketing funnel.


Remember that your ad copy isn’t a sales pitch. When it comes to good ad copywriting, the thumb rule is that less is more. Your headline must attract the reader’s interest, and your offer must be concise yet strong.


Relevant ads can appear higher in search results and get more clicks. Creating ad copy starts with knowing your target audience and how your product benefits them. You must know what people want and when.

To make your content relevant, use seasonality or current events. Also, don’t forget to carefully choose and include keywords closely related to your campaign’s objectives.

What is an ad copy generator?

Ad copy generator uses AI to create search engine and social media ads. Marketers, agencies, freelancers, bloggers, and other professionals depend on these tools because they save time and money by eliminating the need to generate copy from scratch or hire a writer.

Types of advertising copy

Human Interest Copy

It appeals to buyers’ emotions, not intellect and judgment. Instead of facts, this ad copy describes the product. Human Interest copy sells indirectly or reluctantly. It focuses on people’s enduring interest in themselves, family, and friends. Human Interest Copy contains humor, fear, predicament, and story copy.

“The Reason” Copy

It explains why customers should purchase a brand’s product. Copy appeals more to the intellect than emotions. It explains product qualities and advantages via testimonials, guarantees, and customer experiences.

This text explains why readers should buy the advertised product. This copy states a product or service fact in the headline and explains why it’s true in the text. Due to limited time, this advertising strategy works best in print. The viewer may miss the headline or the reasons it claims to be true.

Educational Ad Copy

It updates, encourages, and educates customers to buy a product. It explains the product’s features. Every producer must educate prospects about the product and maintain a good reputation. This ad copy describes the product’s benefits and features.

Institutional ad copy

It doesn’t sell its services and products. Institutional ad copy promotes the selling house. It focuses on building an excellent reputation for selling the house. This form of ad copy aims to create, maintain, and increase goodwill via its objectives, policies, and philosophy. Institutional copy attracts target clients to the selling outlet.

Suggestive copy

A suggestive copy encourages readers to buy the goods directly or indirectly. When the reader is unsure about the product’s quality and is trying to decide whether or not to buy it, suggestive ad copy works best.

Expository copy

An expository copy reveals clear and accurate product facts. It describes features, uses, merits, operations, and benefits. Even a quick glimpse is easy to remember and pick up.

An expository copy reveals clear and accurate product facts. It describes features, uses, merits, operations, and benefits. Even a quick glimpse is easy to remember and pick up.

Following are the five tips for creating amazing ad copy

Give them solutions

Great ad headlines solve your audience’s problems. We click ads because they deliver solutions, not because they’re keyword-optimized, though this is important for targeting the right audiences.

If you want to draw more visitors to your landing pages, consider the searcher’s end goal and how you might help them.

Add statistics, promotions, and benefits


Statistics in ad headlines persuade the searcher and convey credibility. Simple phrases like “75% of small businesses globally use our service” increase click-through rates and landing page conversions. It stimulates searchers’ fear of missing out (FOMO) on something beneficial. Try to include particular facts you can measure and provide. It will help increase your authority.


Promotions encourage people to act on limited-time offers. They generate a feeling of urgency. Adding phrases like limited time only, online exclusive, and sale expires in four hours in your ad copy encourages searchers to act quickly or miss out on a great deal.


Writing ad copy that includes benefits helps buyers understand what they’re getting for their money. How can your product help your target customers? So, list the end-user benefits of your service or product.

Use emotional triggers

Emotions have a big role in the buying process. Recent neuroscientists’ research shows that people with brain injuries in regions that generate emotions can’t make decisions. These studies show that most buying decisions are subconscious.

Common digital advertising triggers are happiness, exclusivity, trust, anticipation, and pleasure. Using such triggers in your ad copy may help you connect with the audience.

Include your keywords

If you want to meet your customer’s goals, you must incorporate the keywords they use in your ad copy. You may use keywords in the headline, description, and display link in Google. However, don’t use the same keywords repeatedly in your ad copy. User-friendliness should always be the primary goal.

Always finish with a CTA

A call to action persuades readers to act. Remember to keep your CTAs short and simple and to maximize the interest you sparked with your benefit statement.

Overall, the call to action relies on the campaign’s purpose. You may test various CTAs to see which ones encourage consumers to take action after seeing your ad.


Ad text is vital for motivating your viewers to take action. Therefore, designing it constructively will draw the reader. The more interested the reader is, the more likely they will purchase a product. Ad copy makes or breaks a campaign. Using these tips, you can create ad copy highlighting your brand, attracting more consumers, and obtaining greater results.

Thank you for Reading!

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